CREPIM | CERTIFER | Notified Body No.:2137 |
Cofrac No.:1-0989 |
CREPIM plays a major role in Europe in guaranteeing and approving fire-retardant properties of materials
The CREPIM is one of the major European Laboratories for the approval of materials covered by fire regulations. It is recognised by the French railway operator SNCF, and is accredited by COFRAC (European Accreditation) Located in the heart of Europe, CREPIM tests and develops fire-resistant formulas for companies working in the mass transportation sector (railway, aircraft and boat), in the building, electrical, and textile sectors.
Service Covered:Cars,railways,aircrafts,wires and cables,buildings,textile,furniture
Crepim News
JUNE 2011
CREPIM signed a cooperative agreement with EcoSafene to make EcoSafene its sole authorized representative in China. CREPIM is set to establish an Asian office and offer more professional and authoritative flammability testing services for companies in the Far East, especially in China.
EcoSafene believes in CREPIM’s undoubted professionalism and authoritativeness. CREPIM is acknowledged by the COFRAC, the European Railway Certification Agency, the French Interior Ministry, the Bureau Veritas, the CRT, the SNCP and the RATP, and is also a notified body in the EU. All these interest and please Chinese enterprises, as in reality, there’s a big gap between the fire resistance research achievements made by China and developed European countries. CREPIM’s entry into the Chinese market will not only give EcoSafene strong support, but also push forward the development of the fire resistance industry.
October-November 2010
CREPIM teams will held a stand @k2010 Dusseldorf, from the 27 th of October to the 3rd of November 2010. Feel free to take this opportunity to visit us, under the French flag in the hall 5, stand 5C18-9…to discover our latest releases regarding services and materials
May 2010
CREPIM’S teams will be present at the Railways Interior Expo Asia, which held this year@ Hong Kong from the to visit us in the hall 5,at the stand 4040 …to discover our ;latest releases.
November 2007
CREPIM will make an intervention at the LNE the 15th November dedicated to the building regulation and new CE marking.
October 2007
CREPIM will exposed at the Milipol event
CREPIM will exposed it last development at the Milipol event that take place form 9 to 12th October @Paris- Porte de Versailles. Fell free to visit in the hall 7.2 on the stand 2K130.
September 2007
CREPIM will make an intervention at the RATP the 18th Semptember dedicated to the new railway regulation
July 2007
CREPIM in now include in the government plan that gives tax cuts to companies that pass development studies through CREPIM.
March 2007
CREPIM continue to reinforce its excellence in the building area. Its new 400m2extension of building will be devoted to the large scale test of the Euroclasses A2 to E that includes:
EN 13823 Building products attacked by a single burning items
EN ISO 9239-1 Radiant panel tests for floor coverings
EN ISO 11925-2-Ignitability to direct impingement of flame
The test architecture has be designed by our teams to offer your reactivity-short lead time and expertise. Fell free to contact us for any request.
February 2007
SIFER 2007
CREPIM will be have an active leadership at SIFER from 12-14 June 2007.The fifth SIFER exhibition will open its door in Lille, the heart of Europe’s “ railway country”. Make sure you don’t miss our on this marketing and opportunity to visit us on our stand and to discover our latest insights.
EN 45545: CREPIM has now the ability to perform tests
IT’S OFFICIAL&CREPIM has now the ability to perform tests for railways industry according to EN 45 545.Let’s take this opportunity to assess your.material according these new standards and to position their performances against this new set of regulation that will enter in force this year:
Heat release measurement-MAHRE-according to ISO 5660-1
Smoke optical density and toxicity measurement according to ISO 5659-2
Lateral flame spread measurement according to radiant panel ISO 5658-2
This is offered to your in complementarily to our basic set of test we currently perform for railway: M land F for which we are recognised by SNCF and RATP via CERTIFER.
September 2006
News building
THAT’S IT:the new building that will put up the CREPIM capabilities form to 800 to 1200m2 is starting to growing. This clearly reinforces reinforces the CREPIM’s mission towards more supports to industries, especially those form the up stresams to the down stream subjects in connection width the building industries. The new area of 400m2 will be achieved by October 2007
June 2006
Implementation of the railway regulation EN 45545: be ready to take off
You probably know that a new European railway regulation has been preparing for 10 years and will come in force within the next 3 years at the European level. Medium term consequence are that National Regulations will be given up to switch towards the new reference EN 45 545.
An other point is that the adaptation of material performances will be necessary. It’s now time to phase up the material performances to be ready for the regulation and market move.This go-ahead step could appeared complex and risky to achieve. That’s why CREIM has developed a pragmatic and direct approach to give you a real picture of the current position of your materials against the new regulation.
CREPIM is actually fully equipped to carry out testings according to EN 45545 in order to provide to your company a real diagnostic of your products and their performances.
Our approach aim to focus on the material side according to 3 key steps:
1.Material testing and setting up of a data base gathering the reference values according to EN 45545 tests&criteria
2.Definition of an action plan to assess and correct the deviation., if necessary
3.Technical assistance for your product optimization and performances qualification
Feel free to contact us for a First contact in order to develop together your competitiveness against the new regulation
May 2006
DEEE constrains and CREPIM solutions
Since August 2006,the directive DEEE(electric and electronic equipment waste)imposes a selective sorting of certain components and dangerous substances, including the brominated fire retardants. The rates of valorisation can go up to 80% according to categories’ of DEEE.
This regulation reveals a need for characterization of the raw materials sources in order to guarantee their quality. This to guarantee a realistic and safe reuse through the downstream channel.
In order to answer these new requirements. the CREPIM has set up a innovative method that gives a real breakthrough. This innovation stands in the ability to assess the quality criteria at two levels:
1.The Nature of the plastics
2.The type of additives, especially halogenated (Br.Cl…) and heavy metals
This tool meets the needs for industry which shall have to characterize its raw materials quickly. We guarantee a statistically representative sampling and reinforce the following up of the material through all the channel
Feel free to contact us for any information and download the data sheet of this methodology