Fire testing
Tests of materials

The fire test results are key elements of qualification phase that opens the market to a product. Actually, passing the test requirement means passing the last entry to the market. The awareness of the test methods and test requirements appears of premium importance to manage properly the launching phase of a new product.

CREPIM currently provides customers with a large array of fire on plastics, textiles and composites for all dedicated areas featuring cars, railways, ships, aircraft, building, E&Eequipement, wires&cables, furniture...

The testing service is proposed associated with the material experience in order to react quicker against any variation of test results.

Complementary analyses

In addition to the fire characterization and fire testing equipment, CREPIM expertise is based on a solid background of analytical tools dedicated to industry requirements:

  • Detection and separation of critic elements
  • Identification and quantitative determination
  • Process control
  • Reverse engineering of complex mixtures

A wide array of complementary techniques can be provided by CREPIM’s experts to solve industrial request

Thermal Analysis, Rheological Analysis, Standardised mechanical properties, ageing test, Chatacterization, Microscopy

-Download detailed list of characterization test689kb

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