Global networking
A major role

CREPIM provides customer with a wide network of contacts covering a large range of areas. This efficient network enhances the value added in the development by developing a global solution that takes into account all the aspect of the project

CREPIM has been networking for 20 years in large European partnership gathering edge companies and key actors of the regulation bodies。These networks,associated with the COFRAC accreditation,is an unique opportunity for CREPIM’s partner to reach new international markets

A European network

CREPIM player an active role at the French AFNOR member and European Standardization Committees on plastics (T 50-A4/TC 61), building (P92 B-TC 92),and railways (consortium FIRESTARR French committee- TC256)

CREPIM has been developing for 6 years a strong partnership with fire treated wood producers through the European network

CREPIM is an active member of the European network Polymer that aims to develop customer build solution for polymeric and composites materials

Specialchem has chosen CREPIM to enhance Fire regulation issue awareness through organization of web seminars. These web seminars deal with European Fire Regulation evolution and Fire retardant environment concerns

-Download the web seminar details76kb

In May, 2011, CREPIM’s technical director Mr. Poutch signed a cooperative agreement with EcoSafene to make EcoSafene its sole authorized representative in China.

CREPIM is set to establish an Asian office and offer more professional and authoritative flammability testing services for companies in the Far East, especially in China.

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